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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

All services now available by computer and phone.

Welcome! I’m Therese Baumgart, certified practitioner of Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping). I’m also certified in various hypnotic techniques, including past life memories, by the National Guild of Hypnotists.

In this website I’ll introduce you to my tools of choice for genuine change, clearing, and peak performance.

I’ll also share some highlights of my training, my approach to working with clients, and my contact information. To find out the details please select from the Menu above. And feel free to give me a call or send a note about your individual situation. Thank you!

Contact me today

Emotion Code and Body Code, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping), and Hypnosis can help you with...

  • Stress in Relationships & Career
  • Weight
  • Sleep
  • Body Comfort
  • Business & Money Blocks
  • Manifesting Your Future
  • Learning & Public Speaking
  • Clutter

“Therese, You wanted me to let you know! Right after our last session it just happened! The Life Partner I’ve been praying for and waiting for, for over thirty years showed up! Thank you!!”
~ Karen Lemieux, LCSW, Psychotherapist, KarenLemieux,net.

“Therese’s insightful wisdom and intuitive skill have helped me to clear away, sometimes in moments, decades-old pain and confusion, and to navigate new challenges as they were arising. Her methods are effective, long-lasting, and empowering. I found releasing distressing issues worked so well that I began to “declutter” the attic of my thoughts to free up space for a more positive and creative outlook. My work with her has been life changing!”
~ Kathleen Hayes, APRN

“Desperate for help and totally clueless about such a different approach as EFT, I began sessions with Therese Baumgart. Once the floodgates were opened with EFT, I experienced clarity and relief on many levels. After I had released emotional pain, guilt and old hurts, I focused on healing my shoulder pain and immobility. The results of these sessions are that I am still pain-free after many months and have regained full use of my right arm and shoulder.” 
~ Dave

“As I reflect on the last 1 1/2 weeks since we met, I sense that the torment is gone from my relationship with food. Before I came to see you for my first EFT session I had definite feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, and helplessness about bingeing and my weight. I did not realize the amount of shame I felt about my actions. Now for the first time I feel I have a healthy home inside myself. It is truly a relief and grace for me. I look forward to our next session.” 
~ Linda

“I was amazed that by the end of my first session the issue that I believed had the potential to end my marriage was completely released and no longer an issue. It has never again resurfaced. Even now, if I intentionally try to bring the issue into my mind, it doesn’t come.” 
~ Judy

“Therese is compassionate, non-judgmental, skilled, and confident in her work. After only one session, I received insights about current fears and gained the courage and strength to advocate for myself. I also felt empowered to stand up for myself and set firm boundaries. I no longer feel like a victim.”
~ Ana

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Please note that I am not a health care practitioner and I do not diagnose, treat, heal or cure any medical illness or condition.